Gratitude | My Daily Go To
I’d love to share a gratitude journal that I enjoy using. It honestly is so simple to implement into your everyday life, helping you get specific about what you’re grateful for. This is a simple practice that in five minutes will be the hit of caffeine your soul needs.
At times I get overwhelmed and I want so much to happen - I try to do everything and feel off if I don’t get back to having gratitude. Having this journal and having this practice in my life is what really helps keep me centered.
So here's my favorite gratitude journal, the Five Minute Journal. I should note; one of my favs Tim Ferriss also uses it on the daily (the author of the four-hour work week), who I love and admire. I use this journal alongside my productivity planner, and it provides me with structure - I know many of you crave this as well.
Why? Take 5 minutes to get your mind going on these 5 questions contained within The Five Minute Journal and why they work:
I am grateful for…
What would make today great?
Daily affirmation. I am…
3 Amazing things that happened today…
How could I have made today even better?
Let’s practice gratitude, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day.
We have so much to be grateful for. I know I certainly am!