Has YOUR Menstrual cycle got your workout out of whack?

Learn how to take control of your cycle—and your life.

I’m the first person to admit this… when I'm PMSing majorly or on my period I tend to let go of working out.  I cannot be the only one here that feels “off” when aunt-flow comes to town (OR BEFOREHAND!) 

I believe we have been conditioned to accept that cramps, pain, crankiness, and PMS are typical symptoms to expect each month without any relief…. We tend to throw in the towel on our regular workout routines, and I’m sure you’ve had the feeling that you are working against everything your body may be telling you to do so that you can get that workout in. 

If you’re familiar with my blog, then you know, P.Volve has completely transformed my body, and their equipment is unlike anything out there. (You can find countless posts on IG raving about my favorite equipment!)

What I'm currently excited to share with you though, is that P.volve just launched their Phase & Function program designed to reduce PMS symptoms, weight loss (if that’s a goal), improve energy, and offer specific mindset shifts throughout for better productivity, communication, relationships, and personal development.

BASICALLY, It's a cycle syncing series that lets you take control of your cycle by matching your movement, meals, and mindset to the ebb and flow of your hormones.



It involves:


You'll share details about the length of your period, the length of your cycle and the date of your last period to accurately track your cycle and receive a personalized routine.


They'll share phase-specific workouts, meal plans and mindset shifts that match the ebb and flow of your hormones to all four phases of your cycle.


The team of experts includes an OBGYN, nutritionist, health coach, and trainers who will teach you how to listen to your body and minimize symptoms of PMS and PMDD.

So how does it work? 

After inputting details about your menstrual cycle, you’ll see specific recommendations for where you’re at in your cycle, with access to a full library of workouts, food lists, recipes, educational talks and more.

To get the party started or should I say, “start cycle syncing NOW!” 

Click here to start!

Keep me updated on your progress or feelings about the program, and I’ll do the same. We’re in this together. 

Xx Em 

PS: need equipment? Enjoy Code VAVRA15 for 15% off.


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