7 Ways to Simplify Your Life

There’s so much going on in my life at all times that today, I’m challenging myself and YOU to do some conscious things to help simplify your life. 

Give it a try and you might surprise yourself! There’s so much noise that cutting down on things you don’t need can help free up both some mental and physical space for you. 

Here are 7 ways to simplify your life: 

1/ Social Detox 

Take a break & put your phone away! Maybe you can do an hour? A full day? A full weekend? Taking a break from the world of social media is so refreshing. 

2/ Embrace Multi-Use Products 

Multi-use products can help cut down on time AND on clutter! Maybe wearing that one dress 3 different ways? Or a blush that you can wear as a lip color and an eyeshadow? Make your products work for YOU! 

3/ De-Clutter 

Cleaning out your closet feels like a huge weight off your shoulders. I try to do a seasonal cleanout to de-clutter and it feels amazing. Check out my tips for cleaning out your closet here! 

4/ Digital Cleanout 

A digital cleanout can feel just as good as a physical one. Go on IG and unfollow accounts that don’t inspire you any more! Go through your inbox and unsubscribe from those spam emails that you don’t even open anymore! It might take a little while, but you’ll thank me later!

5/ Easy Routines 

Little things that don’t take that much time to do that make your life easier are always worth the effort. Do you always drink coffee in the morning? Make sure your coffee pot has enough water in it before you go to sleep so you don’t have to do it in the morning! Did you do some laundry? Take the time now to put it away so it’s not on your bed when you're ready to sleep! 

6/ Journal / Brain Dump 

I LOVE journaling. It’s an amazing way to have a little me-time and can totally clear my mind to either wind down at the end of the day or get things started in the morning! Would you all like to see a post about my journal routine? Let me know in the comments! 

7/ Slow Down + Go Outside 

Last but not least, take a break and go outside! I know I spend a ton of time in front of my screens -- so setting everything down, putting my phone on Do Not Disturb and taking a walk with Hugo (bonus points for wearing Bala Bands, too!) feels so nice! 

Are you ready to simplify? Drop me a comment or a DM and tell me how you’re going to simplify your life!

Xx Em


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