5 Ways to Increase Your Confidence

One of the most common questions I get asked is…. — HOW CAN I BECOME MORE CONFIDENT? —

I wish there was a magic spell, or potion that can turn you into your most confident self overnight. Sadly, it’s not that easy. Becoming confident, self-assured, and secure in yourself doesn't happen all at once, it’s a journey! 

I wanted to share a few things that have helped me in that on-going journey and I hope that they can help you, too.

Trying New Things 

I truly believe that self-confidence builds when you try new things. Actually, I know it’s true -- I’m living proof of it! Trying new things isn’t always the easiest thing to do either, I get it. Even something as simple as trying a new workout class can be SO daunting. But guess what-- once you do it you’ll be so happy you did! It’s the fear of the unknown that can be terrifying, I get it…  but guess what -- it’s through those uncomfortable moments that you GROW! 

The Power of Thought 

When someone tells you to “Think positive!” you probably roll your eyes, right? But positive thinking is so much more powerful than you might believe. Usually, the only thing standing in the way of your confidence is that little voice inside of your head that’s getting you down or whispering those negative things. You’ll hear them so much that you’ll start to believe them… but what if you actively made the choice for those things to be nicer… more uplifting? You’ll start to believe those instead! 

Mantras, affirmations, and prayers are all amazing ways to channel positivity instead of negativity! 

Don’t Discount Yourself

Finding little things every day that you're PROUD of can help build your confidence! You can be proud of a raise or promotion, but you can also be proud of smaller yet just as important accomplishments. Did you finally do that thing you’ve been avoiding? Did you go for a walk? Did you decide to eat in instead of ordering in to save some $$? Take stock of those little things, they add up more quickly than you think. 

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

They say comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s so true! In the age of social media, when everyone is only sharing their wins, it’s important to remember that Instagram is only a highlight reel. Don’t get me wrong, it’s so easy to fall into comparisons -- both professionally and personally. But remember, don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 6. We’re all on our own unique journeys that take time

Be Kind 

At the end of the day, just be kind. To others, yes-- but more importantly to yourself. Like I said before, self confidence doesn't happen overnight. Similarly, you’re not locked in a bubble saying mantras in a mirror until you feel good. LIFE HAPPENS! WORK HAPPENS! Be kind to yourself as you navigate the world and your journey to self-confidence. 

Do you have any tips for self confidence that have helped you? Tell me in the comments or shoot me a DM on Instagram! I love hearing from you all! 

Xx Em 


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